We are all stewards of God's gifts to us. Choosing this online giving option for giving you can better match your gift to God with your own budget and eliminate the bother of searching for cash or checks when contributing. You can also contribute to special collections as they arise.
This site is totally secure, your contribution is safe and your privacy is upheld.
Link to site using MinistryOne Phone App:
Text Giving Instructions:
Planned giving is the act of sharing what we have accumulated from the gifts we have been given. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Stewardship: A Disciples Response, explains: “Planned gifts are normally made from the contributor’s accumulated assets as part of an overall estate plan. In addition to the normal benefits of charitable giving, planned gift agreements frequently result in tax advantages or other income benefits to the donor.”
“Most of the time, a planned gift is made by means of a formal agreement or contract and the principal or income from the gift is not available to the organization until the terms of the agreement are fulfilled (usually at the death of the donor or spouse).”
Planned gifts make it possible to share more than just income. After you have provided for your family and loved ones, consider:
Make a bequest to your parish, a school, a ministry or the diocese in your will or a trust. Name it as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or your retirement plan.
Name your parish, a school, a ministry or the diocese as the beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust or charitable gift annuity.
Please consult with your own attorney and other professional advisors regarding your personal tax and financial situation.
You may contact Angela Byers, Business Manager, St. Gregory Barbarigo Catholic Church, Maryville MO, when making your arrangements for Planned Giving. 660-582-3833
If you need more information, please refer to the Planned Giving site on the Diocese of Kansas City Website.
(If you choose to make arrangements on the Diocese of Kansas City Website, be sure to designate St. Gregory Barbarigo Catholic Church, Maryville MO as the recipient.)
Please register to join the parish community. Printable Form or Online Form.
When you register in the parish you become part of a supporting community. Your registration will trigger Giving Envelopes to be printer and sent to you. Using envelopes is just one way to contribute to the parish.
Online Giving makes it easy to keep on track of your giving and be consistent when you are out of town for the weekend .
The Scrip Program can direct money to a specific ministry or a child's tuition of your choice.
Your Time and Talent is another important way to give back to the Lord.
A portion of the Diocese Annual Appeal always comes back to the parish.
Sign up Today Family Order Form Visit Scrip Website
Description: When families purchase Scrip from St. Gregory’s, they’re purchasing gift certificates and pre-paid cards that can be used just like cash. Scrip can be used to purchase everyday household items like food, clothing, gasoline and entertainment, and earn revenue for various St. Gregory’s School and Church entities at the same time. The Scrip discount is split between the fund of your choice and the fund designated by the Scrip Committee.
Scrip is sold at face value; participants pay the exact value of what the card is worth. St. Gregory’s is able to generate revenue by purchasing these gift cards/certificates in bulk at a discount price. The Scrip rebate is divided with the fund(s) of the participant’s choice receiving 75% and the fund designated by the Scrip Committee retaining 25%. Available choices for designation include preschool and K-8 tuition, tuition assistance, banking funds for future students, church ministries, religious education, and school endowments.
As of September, 2020, St Gregory Scrip has made over $350, 000 in profit (75% of that going to our school families to offset the cost of tuition).
Ordering: Scrip from a wide range of retailers can be ordered. Select Scrip gift cards/certificates are available for purchase after weekend Masses about once a month (Cash & Carry) and online. The Scrip Committee submits an order almost every Monday during the school year and every other Monday during the summer. Orders and payments must be turned into the school or church offices by NOON on Mondays, and can also be submitted through the collection baskets at all Masses or online at https://www.shopwithscrip.com/. Orders are available for pick-up on Fridays of the same week or at Cash and Carry Masses. See the bulletin and school announcements for any changes or exact ordering deadlines. Order forms are available in the Gathering Space and in the Parish Office and online.
Please contact Susan Long at 660-541-4320 for an enrollment code (which is needed to set up your Scrip account).
Another way to give back to the Lord and your parish is to get involved in one or more of the ministries. There are so many ways to give back by sharing your time and talent. Take a look at our Ministry pages and request more information about what appeals to you. When you sign up to help with a ministry you become an active member of our community and lighten the load for others giving back to the community. God wants us to be a community. Helping in the ministries of the parish helps to make our community stronger.
Ministry Categories:
Administation and Community
Liturgy Ministries
Liturgy Committee and Music Ministries
Spirituality and Religious Education
Assistance and Outreach